The Following are links to interesting research and tidbits. The original group was populated together but at the bottom they are dated by date of posting:
Toiletries #1 way that negativily affect peoples hormones
6 Hours of TV can cut 5 years off your life
Here is an important read. Don’t cook Proteins with Sugars! The next big “don’t do”, like fried foods.
This is bad news and a future main topic! At least 40% of moms are feeding babies solid foods too early: Journal of the American Acadamy of Pediatrics
Study of 10,000 children with Vit D supplementation had 70% decrease of type 1 diabetes.THE LANCET • Vol 358 • November 3, 2001
Think supplements are too expensive? Disease care drugs can cost over $50,000/year!
Vitamin D actually helps to regulate blood sugar! American Journal Clinical Nutrition Feb 2,2011
“Research supports Immune Why-600”. Using Zinc within 24 hours of onset reduces duration and severity of common cold. Medscape Feb 18, 2011
Weight Watchers recognizes that calorie counting isn’t completely effective! A 100 calorie Apple is NOT the same as a 100 Calorie handful of cookies David Kirchoff, president of Weight
Cardio works better than Weight Training for getting rid of belly fat! In Fact, Weight Training isn’t needed! (click for article)
The “pop” you hear many times during an adjustment is not required for nervous system change. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2011
People who walk SLOW… die sooner! Journal of the American Medical Association, January 5, 2011
Posted: November 21,2013 – With all the scam push to increase statin uses, did you know they can cause depression? Here is a lit review: